The Secret to Getting the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Without Waiting in Line!

Everyday going to work I drive by the Apple store and there are still people lined up over a week later waiting to get the new iPhone 6. The funny thing is when I drive by the AT&T, Verizon and Sprint store down the road there is no line at all! You can literally take a 5 minute drive and not have to wait to buy your new phone. I figured there must be something going on like they can't sell it yet or only the Apple store has them in stock. So I decided to try a few things to see if I could find a better way to get the new Apple iPhone quickly and easily.
Apple Store
I went into the Apple store and asked an employee if this line is here every day and why. He had a simple answer "We sell out everyday so people line up for the new phones being delivered daily". Simple enough, too many people wanting to buy a phone here and they simply didn't meet the demand. If you want the experience from Apple or to buy Applecare (you can buy it elsewhere too) then maybe this is the best way for you. So I went to AT&T...
AT&T Store #1
There was still a small line here actually and it was for the same reasons people wanted to get the phone and went to their closest store. So I decided to drive out of the "good" part of town and stop by the AT&T store in the worst part of town I could think of. Sure enough there was no line, and they had every size and color in stock. I'm not saying this will work everywhere but when you're more worried about rent and food than your phone chances are they're going to be in stock.
T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon Stores
I took this same approach with every other cell phone carrier in town and found I got the same results everywhere I went. Meanwhile there are still people in line at the Apple Store who didn't even get a phone today because they're all sold out. Maybe I should have told them or hopefully you'll read and share my blog but waiting in line for the newest phone whether it's an Apple iPhone, Samsun Galaxy 6 or the Note 4 there will always be a store that has it in stock. If you live in a smaller town with only one store this might not work for you but drive across town or call them first and see if they have any in stock. All of the stores in the "better" or more affluent neighborhoods were sold out because they had the extra money to spend on these less important luxuries.
Don't wait in line at the Apple Store and don't let your friends and family either! Please share this so we don't see people stuck in line for nothing!